Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Creating life?

    If I was given the chance to create life as frankenstein did I would heavily consider it. There are many ways that creating new life could help our world, but also many ways it could take a turn for the worst.

    Creating a new life could help us in the world we live in today by simply doing tasks that would take double the man power to accomplish. Or even smarter than the average human. Making wiser decisions, and less mistakes in the work place. Creating a new life could be very helpful to our world. But anything can go wrong.

    If i was given the chance to create a new life, I may be a little skeptical. Anything can go wrong. They could turn out as a monster and and do more damage to our world than good. destroying houses and buildings, killing people ruining many lives, or even start out fine and then turn evil like you see in movies. After creating a new life it may be hard to stop it.

    In creating a new life you would have to be extremely careful. You could create a gentle giant with brains, and strength. Or things could go bad and you could create a monster, that does more harm then good. If i was given the chance i would have to take a lot of time and think about it.

Monday, January 23, 2012

My Thoughts About Frankestein Before Reading.

A women wrote frankenstein at the age of 19. I think that is incredible, because back then it was sort of unusul for a women to be an author, and also because she wrote about a monster. Honestly i don't think it is mans place to artificially create life. That is gods right. I do not believe in the sorcerers stone, and imortality and all that. we are put on this earth for a certain amount of time, and then we all die. There is no man that can be immortal.

Monday, September 26, 2011

War Is

War is bloody, killing our soldiers.
War is thoughtful, remembering the lives being put on the line.
War is a memory, reminding us of all the loved ones we lost.
War is neccesary, protecting our lives for the future.
War is horrible, demolishing cities.
War is unbearable, listening to all the horrible war stories.
War is unsightly, seeing all the lives of innocent people ruined.
War is important, fighting for our freedom.
War is scary, frightening the lives of our american citizens.
War is chaotic, destroying each others homes.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Remembering 9.11

9.11 was devistating for many americans. They missed loved ones. But most of all it makes me worried about the future. are they going to attack again? Why do they want to attack us? I think that Al Queda should suffer for the terrifying acts of terrosm. They want us dead because we don't worship the same religion. To them we are satan.

many people lost family members due to the tragedy 9.11. Some children lost their moms and dads.Every year they are reminded about the horrifying day. I don't even remember the day they flew into the twin towers. I was only 6 years old. But for those who lost a loved one they will never forget the day they lost them.

I personly am extremely worried about the future. Al Queda is more than likely to attack again. They hate us. if they build the new world trade center that is 1,776 ft high then that gives them another HUGE target. I want to think that nothing will ever happen in Arkansas. Only to the major cities. But they are very unpredictable.